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2019: The Russian disinformation roller coaster

High hills, steep falls, sharp turns – entering the world of pro-Kremlin disinformation sometimes makes one feel like everything is on its head, definitely not where it’s supposed to be. Let’s embark on a journey through 2019, where we…

Effectively conveying a revised story

Supplying an alternative explanation of facts alone will not change the minds of those people, who already bought the disinformation. In some cases, the efforts to put the story straight only serve to further entrench erroneous convictions.…

Igor Dodon, personal interests, above national ones

Dodon, lobbying in the interests of Igor Ceaika Igor Ceiaka, son of the ex-former prosecutor of the Russian Federation, has shown an interest in the potential of the Transnistrian region – in terms of cheap electricity and a fairly good…