Author: Victor Pelin
“But before seeing what happens in the Eurasian Economic Union member states, we should clarify what we have here, in the Republic of Moldova – lackeys or sons of a bitch?”
Charm of ordinary propagandists
In our gloomy realities, we are lucky to have run-of-the-mill propagandists who, by their activities, make us laugh and cheer up. One of these, who says that he is a superior teacher at the State Teacher-Training University “Ion Creangă”, the Philosophical and Socioeconomic Sciences Department, delights us by his public performance. But the joy turns into sadness when we think what can happen to the students who are unlucky to have such a teacher. This doctor of political sciences said, for example, that: “The U.S. always betrays its lackeys. This is the renowned American pragmatism – there are no permanent friends, there are permanent interests. The more you are used in underhanded games, the bigger are the chances of you being betrayed and excluded from the game”. What bold assertions made based on the classical quotation of Winston Churchill – We have no lasting friends, no lasting enemies, only lasting interests. But this quotation is attributed to the Americans by the so-called doctor of political sciences who does not make a difference between the Americans and the British! We laugh, but what do his students of the Teacher-Training University think when they read such pearls of the scientist politician?
If the so-called doctor of political sciences wanted to somehow touch the Americans, he should have quoted Roosevelt, who depicted the dictator of Nicaragua Anastasio Somoza: “Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch”. So, the conclusion should be that the Americans actually defend their tools, but do not leave them in the lurch, as our scientist politician asserts. This American pragmatism is also used by some of the Moldovan politicians who often resort to the quotation of Roosevelt, paraphrasing him. So, it should be clear – the Americans have something in common with their son of a bitch, but they have nothing in common with lackeys as the latter ones are simply detestable.
About political tools and pragmatism
It’s a pity that the superior teacher of the Teacher-Training University mixed things up as this way we remembered our strategic partner Russia and its pragmatism in relation to its political tools
In time, after the collapse of the USSR, a whole cohort of political tools holding the highest posts in their sovereign and independent states found refuge in Moscow after betraying the national interests. Here are only some of the sonorous names: ex-President of Azerbaijan Ayaz Mutallibov; ex-President of Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbek Bakiyev; ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych; ex-Premier of Ukraine Nicolai Azarov; Shevarnadze, Abashidze, Ghiorgadze etc., and a series of other cardboard Presidents of unrecognized entities supported by Russia. And this sort of politicians weren’t lackeys as our scientist politician inclines to label them. These and many others were actually Russia’s sons of a bitch, according to the American terminology.
The bad side of things is that the list of Russia’s sons of a bitch can be extended with heads of states of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) to which the senior administration of the Republic of Moldova invites us. If we refer to events happening in Belarus, Kirgizstan and other EEU states, we can see that our country could ultimately have nothing to join. But before seeing what happens in the EEU member states, we should clarify what we have here, in the Republic of Moldova – lackeys or sons of a bitch? For example, to what category should the head of state, who is an expert of the Russians imperial movement, or an MP, who holds the post of director of the regional branch in Moldova of the same Russian imperial movement, be added? As we see what their movement colleagues – Zakhar Prilepin and Alexandr Prokhanov – promote – the joining of Transnistria to the Russian Federation.
The students of the so-called doctor of political sciences should learn to make a clear difference between lackeys and sons of a bitch because their fates are different.