The path of a fake: How pro-Russian Telegram channels amplified the lie about Maia Sandu’s “military plans” in the Transnistrian region26 December 2024
Serious disinformation from the Kremlin! SVR accuses Maia Sandu of preparing a military operation in Transnistria23 December 2024
The Kremlin threatens the Republic of Moldova with war: “Any danger to Transnistria will be considered an attack against Russia”19 December 2024
Moldova The pandemic didn’t stop Dodon from going to Moscow, or kissing Putin’s hand is more important than the health of the people23 June 2020 President Igor Dodon left today in the Russian Federation, where he will participate in the parade held on the occasion…
Moldova In the midst of a pandemic, at the parade! Dodon’s decision, harshly criticized!4 June 2020 A contingent of 75 soldiers from the Honor Guard Company will go to Moscow on June 24th to take part…