The closer the day comes when Moldovans will have to decide the European future of the Republic of Moldova, the more intense the attempts to undermine the constitutional referendum. Dozens of Telegram channels focus their daily activity on disseminating manipulative information and disinformation, in order to convince Moldovans that the EU is evil and that our country does not need integration.

One of the disinformation disseminated by these anonymous Telegram channels refers to the education system. The authors manipulate data on school closures, without talking about the education reform and the benefits demonstrated over time. The only goal is to create a negative perception of EU accession. They try to induce the idea that accession will lead to the destruction of the education system, which is far from the truth.

Over the past decade, the Republic of Moldova has implemented a series of reforms in the education system to improve the quality of education, make more efficient use of resources and align it with European standards. These reforms were necessary due to demographic decline and migration, which reduced the number of students and led to the need to optimize the school network.

This involved closing schools with very small numbers of students and consolidating them into larger and better equipped institutions. This was not a measure to reduce access to education, but to improve its quality, ensuring students’ access to better-trained teachers and more diverse educational resources. The focus was on units that were no longer viable from a demographic point of view. Students from these schools were transferred to institutions that could provide them with a higher quality education.

Despite the inherited problems, significant investments were made in modernizing school infrastructure. Programs funded by both the state and international partners aimed at renovating school buildings, building modern sanitary facilities, and ensuring decent learning conditions. For example, within the framework of the “Education Reform in the Republic of Moldova” program funded by the World Bank, dozens of schools were renovated and indoor toilets were built.

Similar reforms have taken place in other European countries with positive results. For example, Lithuania and Latvia have gone through processes of optimizing the school network, which led to improving the quality of education and school infrastructure. Their experience shows that such reforms, although difficult, are essential for long-term development. Improvements to school infrastructure and increasing the quality of education will contribute to better preparing students for the challenges of the future and to more efficient integration into the labor market.

However, none of these anonymous Telegram channels talked about the benefits for the education system following EU accession. Here are just a few of them:

Access to European funds for infrastructure and modernization:

Membership to the EU will allow the Republic of Moldova to access structural and cohesion funds intended for the modernization of school infrastructure. These funds can be used to renovate buildings, construct modern facilities and ensure adequate learning conditions.

Raising educational standards and aligning with European practices:

Membership to the EU will stimulate the harmonization of the Republic of Moldova’s education system with European standards and practices. This will include the adoption of modern teaching methods, assessment and curriculum, as well as improving the continuous training of teachers.

Funding and support for research and innovation:

Higher education institutions and research centers in the Republic of Moldova will have access to European funding programs, such as Horizon Europe, which support research and innovation. This will contribute to the development of research capacities and increased international academic competitiveness.

Improving the quality and access to education:

By accessing European funds and resources, the Republic of Moldova will be able to invest in improving the quality of education at all levels, from pre-school to university education. Inclusion and support programs will also be developed for pupils and students from disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring equitable access to quality education.

Developing international partnerships and academic collaborations:

Accession to the EU will facilitate the establishment of international partnerships and academic collaborations with universities and research institutions across Europe. These partnerships will stimulate the exchange of good practices, the development of joint projects and the creation of academic networks, contributing to increasing the visibility and academic prestige of the Republic of Moldova internationally.

Improving vocational training and education:

Access to European programs and funds will allow the development and modernization of the vocational education and training system. EU accession will bring resources and expertise to develop training programs adapted to the demands of the labor market, contributing to increasing youth employability and reducing unemployment. These programs will provide young people with the necessary skills to integrate effectively into the European labor market, supporting the economic and social development of the Republic of Moldova.

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