Author: Victor Pelin
“The last redoubt against the subversive actions of Igor Dodon, assisted by the new PSRM-Shor Party majority, is the Constitutional Court and the active citizens who are ready to protest against the plans of the oligarchic clans that became stronger under the auspices of the new parliamentary majority…”
Actions taken to successor’s detriment
Together with the expiry of the mandate of President Igor Dodon, a question about the inheritance left by him to his successor Maia Sandu appears. Apart from the triumphalist report full of figures about the promulgated laws, signed decrees and conferred awards, we do not really have performance indicators that would enable us to make a judgment about the given inheritance.
However, in a big hurry, Igor Dodon is preparing inheritance for his successor. It goes to the so-called surprises that come one after another after he lost the presidential race. What he didn’t manage to do during four years, he started to do towards the end of his term in a hurry. Evidently, he does it with the assistance of the new informal parliamentary majority of the Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM), the Shor Party (PȘ) and Plahotniuc’s turncoats. The unfavorable inheritance is listed with pride by the lieutenant of the Russian imperialist front and the propagandist of the PSRM:
- The law on the functioning of languages, which institutes Russian as the language of interethnic communication in Moldova;
- The law on the retransmission of Russian news and feature programs in the media space of the Republic of Moldova;
- The law on the transfer of the Republican Stadium back under state ownership by which attempts are made to spoil the relations between the Republic of Moldova and the U.S., which negotiated the purchase of the given site with the Government;
- The package of laws on the budgets – state, social insurance, budgetary-fiscal policy that dynamite the sociopolitical situation in the country;
- The set of laws on ATU Gagauzia that were drafted as a result of the illegal referendum of February 2, 2014 that was held with the direct participation of Igor Dodon and that envisioned the achievement of particular goals through pressure and illegal acts;
- The law to transfer the Security and Intelligence Service (SIS) from the President’s control under the Parliament’s subordination etc.
And this is not all. Igor Dodon announced the last surprise: “For me, it would be symbolical to sign the law by which to annul the relevant law and to restore the old law providing that the women retire at 57 and the men retire at 62. If Parliament adopts such a law, it will be symbolical for me. The meeting of the parliamentary group was held today. This would be a symbolical law that I would sign at the end of my term”. The symbolism promoted by Igor Dodon goes beyond the limits of decency even in relation to his political idol – Vladimir Putin, who designed and encouraged the retirement reform in his country, which is much richer than the Republic of Moldova. In such conditions, what goal can Igor Dodon pursue if not to undermine the pension system of the Republic of Moldova? Especially because the current Government installed by Igor Dodon promotes the law on the attraction of the labor force from abroad.
Annihilation of subversive actions
So, almost all the sensitive issues faced by the Moldovan society during the 30 years of independence and the problems that accumulated recently were resuscitated and brought into focus so as to dynamite the socioeconomic and political situation in the country. In this regard, the whole range of subversive actions taken by Igor Dodon immediately after losing the presidential elections represents the inheritance that he intends to leave to his successor. This inheritance consists in the:
- dispossession of the President-elect of the few powers enjoyed by this;
- splitting of citizens based on ethnic and linguistic criteria;
- undermining of socioeconomic and political stability;
- placing of new obstacles to the relations with foreign partners and international isolation of the country.
The most dangerous mines of this inheritance will be probably defused by the Constitutional Court (CC). Namely this perspective bothers a lot Igor Dodon, who expressed his dissatisfaction with the involvement of the CC in the prevention of the conflicts inspired by him and the PSRM: “They try to use the instruments that were also used by Vladimir Plahotniuc. They use the Constitutional Court as a political instrument. I hope a lot that those from the Constitutional Court will not become involved in the developments related to the political struggles in Parliament. It is the supreme legislative forum that expresses the people’s will”.
Igor Dodon’s assertions are a real sample of hypocrisy! Namely the MPs promoted to Parliament by the fugitive oligarchs Ilan Shor and Vlad Plahotniuc, who are charged officially in the banking fraud, alongside the MPs of the PSRM, voted together all the troublesome laws aimed at dynamiting the socioeconomic and political situation in the Republic of Moldova. In such circumstances, it is normal to wonder – what else were these persons united by if not by the common interest in not losing power and, respectively, in not allowing the wrongdoings committed by the representatives of the new parliamentary majority to be investigated?
The unfavorable inheritance left by Igor Dodon to his successor as President has a well-defined goal that was clearly formulated: “If Maia Sandu thinks she will become President and the responsibility will be borne by Dodon-Chicu… We will not allow this to happen. After December 24, when the inauguration will take place, the absolute responsibility for what’s going on in the country will be borne by the new President”.
President Igor Dodon prepared an unfavorable inheritance for his successor Maia Sandu. Ahead of the transfer of powers to the newly elected President, practically all the sensitive problems faced by the Republic of Moldova during the independence years were reanimate and taken to the forefront.
The retaliating approach of Igor Dodon and the PSRM is aimed at shifting the whole burden of a society that was intentionally dynamited onto the President-elect who was deprived of the few legal powers she could have enjoyed.
The goal is to discredit the President-elect so as to diminish her efforts aimed at creating conditions for the rapid dissolution of Parliament and organization of snap legislative elections following her victory in the presidential elections. For Igor Dodon and the PSRM, the snap parliamentary elections will become opportune immediately after the President-elect is discredited after being confronted with intentionally inspired problems and conflicts.
The last redoubt against the subversive actions of Igor Dodon, assisted by the new PSRM-Shor Party majority, is the Constitutional Court and the active citizens who are ready to protest against the plans of the oligarchic clans that became stronger under the auspices of the new parliamentary majority.